Friday, November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Thanksgiving Main Course / Rosemary Garlic Cornish Hens

Hens are mini chickens. Fact.

Mike helped treeeeemendously.  I had a really hard time slushing the seasoning under the skin.  Since  Mike is a pathologist, he is used to doing stuff like that.  Or so I tell myself.

The recipe essentially involves:
1. wedge of lemon and sprig of rosemary go inside the cavity of each hen
2. make a marinade from olive oil, soy sauce, torn up rosemary bits, minced garlic, this and that
3. spread marinade under the skin
4. rub the outside of skin with salt, pepper, garlic powder, this and that
5. cut up veggies and peel 30 cloves of garlic and place them as above
6. roast at 425 x 25 min
7. turn down heat to 375 and bake for 25 min, basting with juices every 10 min

I need some more practice with determining degree of doneness in poultry (maybe I should get a meat thermometer) but hey these hens tasted and looked GREAT!!

Oooh you can see the brisket (the "other" main course) 2nd on the right!
Note the stuffing, yams, and cranberry sauce my friends made. Oh yumness, I am so hungry now.

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