Happily, I got today off. Naturally, I made matzo ball soup to celebrate the dawning of 2013:
This is a pretty easy soup to make. Ingredients include, but certainly are not limited to:
chicken bones (we used a chicken carcass!)
2 onions
salt, pepper, dill
pinch of curry powder
1. First I cut up the chicken carcass, then filled the pot with water to cover the bones.
2. Then I plopped in the onions with the skin on--this imparts a golden color to the broth.
3. The mixture was simmered for a loooong time until it tasted like broth and not chicken-water. I believe this took about 3-4 hours but I was not watching the clock. Remember to skim off the scum and excess fat!
[Using chicken carcass actually cut down on a lot of fat, compared to in the past when I used chicken pieces. Fact.]
4. Then I (actually I made Mike do this) fished out the bones, stripped off the chicken pieces and returned that to the broth.
5. The onions get stripped of their skin, and by this time they are soft so I smushed them into bits.
6. I tossed in the seasonings to taste and added chopped parsley, which was the only green thing still left in the fridge. (Had I carrots, parsnips or celery, they would have joined the party, too. But alas, we ate those already on another occasion.)
7. Then Manischewitz came and provided a matzo ball mix which I diligently made as per instructions.
Brrrrr, thank goodness for hot chicken soup. In the grand astronomical scheme of things, humans lamentably exist in a pitifully narrow spectrum of temperature. Just 5-6 months ago, we were installing air conditioners in our windows and melting in the sun. Now we are quaking and shivering every time we set foot near a window and protecting ourselves in layers of down when we venture outdoors.
Anyway, long-winded but I need to explain why I am wearing all these layers, and leggings, and knee socks! All this so that I can wear a skirt to work on New Year's Eve day.
Sweater: Valerie Stevens cashmere (hand-me-down from my mom) | Shirt: H&M s/p studding by moi | Skirt: Anthropologie Trench Coat Skirt | Socks: Gap | Shoes: unknown brand |
I am happy to say I remained well-insulated in this get-up. Mission accomplished. |
Well...Happy New Year!